6. Qwoyn Network Deployment:
Deploying your gaming project on the Qwoyn Network involves several important steps. This section outlines the process and provides guidance for developers.
6.1 Setting Up Your Qwoyn Account:
Creating Qwoyn Accounts: You can create Qwoyn accounts using either the Cosmostation Wallet or the qwoynd binary CLI on Linux. These accounts are essential for managing your in-game assets and interacting with the Qwoyn Network.
6.2 Deploying Smart Contracts:
Permissioned Smart Contract Deployment: Deploying smart contracts on the Qwoyn Network is a permissioned process. To do this, follow these steps:
Write a Forum Post: Start by writing a forum post on the Qwoyn Network Commonwealth forum (https://commonwealth.im/qwoyn-network/discussions) to announce your project and intentions for deploying a smart contract.
Create an On-Chain Proposal: After the forum post, create an on-chain proposal that outlines the details of your smart contract deployment. This proposal will be subject to a governance vote. Validators or community devs in our Discord can help you with this part of the process.
Uploading Cosmwasm Smart Contract: Once your on-chain proposal passes the governance vote, you can proceed to upload your Cosmwasm smart contract to the Qwoyn Network mainnet.
6.3 Building Relationships and Grants:
Reach Out to Qwoyn Studios: It's a good idea to establish a strong relationship with Qwoyn Studios, a key player in the Qwoyn ecosystem. You can reach out to them directly via partnerships@qwoyn.studio to explore collaboration opportunities and learn about available grants.
By understanding the account creation process, the permissioned smart contract deployment procedure, and exploring opportunities for collaboration and grants with Qwoyn Studios, you'll be better equipped to navigate the deployment phase on the Qwoyn Network and foster a stronger bond within the ecosystem.
Last updated