In the context of the Groups module, group proposals are specific to individual groups and are used for internal governance within the group. These proposals are submitted by members of the group and are subject to voting and decision-making processes within that particular group.
When a group member wants to suggest a change, make a request, or propose an action within the group, they can submit a group proposal. This proposal outlines the details of the suggested change or action, along with the rationale or justification for it.
The group members then participate in the voting process to decide whether to accept or reject the proposal. The voting mechanism and decision rules are defined by the group policy associated with that particular group. The group policy sets the criteria for approval, such as a specific threshold of votes or a required percentage of approval.
Once the voting period concludes, the votes are tallied according to the group policy's decision rules. If the proposal receives the necessary approval based on the defined criteria, it is considered accepted within the group. The group can then proceed with implementing the approved changes or taking the suggested action.
It's important to note that group proposals and their governance processes are specific to each individual group. Different groups within the network may have their own unique group policies and decision-making mechanisms. This allows for flexibility in governance and enables groups to tailor their internal processes according to their specific needs and objectives.
Creating a Group Proposal
Groups have 2 options for creating proposals:
Using draft-proposal
For the purposes of this tutorial we will be utilizing the draft-proposal option using the following subcommand.
qwoynd tx group draft-proposal
After entering the command and selecting text the proposer will need to fill the following information.
Enter proposal's title:
Enter proposal's authors:
Enter proposal's summary:
Enter proposal's details:
Enter proposal's proposal forum url:
Enter proposal's vote option context:
Enter group policy address:
Enter proposer address:
The following example will create a proposal for the Community Spend Committee to delegate 30,000 qwoyn tokens to the Qwoyn Validator.
Enter proposal's title: Delegate 30,000 QWOYN
Enter proposal's authors: Community Spend Committee President
Enter proposal's summary: This proposal aims to delegate 30,000 QWOYN tokens to the Qwoyn Validator.
Enter proposal's details: After careful consideration, I, President, propose the delegation of 30,000 QWOYN tokens to the Qwoyn Validator. My reasoning behind this proposal includes the validator's exceptional commitment to the community, provision of secure validator infrastructure, active participation in governance, and low commission rate. The Qwoyn Validator has consistently demonstrated their dedication to the Qwoyn Network community, fostering growth and enriching the experience for participants. Their establishment of a robust and secure validator infrastructure has instilled trust among network participants. Additionally, the validator's active engagement in governance processes, including discussions, voting on proposals, and providing valuable insights, showcases their understanding of the network's needs and long-term success. Moreover, the Qwoyn Validator maintains a competitive and fair commission rate, ensuring accessibility and encouraging broader participation. In light of these factors, I request your review and support for this delegation proposal, which will recognize the Qwoyn Validator's contributions and contribute to the continued growth and stability of the network. Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Enter proposal's proposal forum url:
Enter proposal's vote option context: A yes vote on this proposal will serve as a signal to the Committee Treasurer to initiate the delegation of the proposed funds, 30,000 QWOYN tokens, to the Qwoyn Validator.
Enter group policy address: qwoyn1afk9zr2hn2jsac63h4hm60vl9z3e5u69gndzf7c99cqge3vzwjzshamt0l
Enter proposer address:qwoyn16nm5jk9wfpr4qalemk23ady02p3a2kmu0cvy94
After providing the requested information the binary will automatically create a draft_proposal.json and a draft_metadata.json for the proposer to submit.
Note* Please view the ipfs submission tutorial for more information on how to submit the metadata for your proposal.
In the following json, please replace ipfs://CID with the one you received after submitting the metadata to the ipfs network.
// draft_proposal.json
"group_policy_address": "qwoyn1afk9zr2hn2jsac63h4hm60vl9z3e5u69gndzf7c99cqge3vzwjzshamt0l",
"metadata": "ipfs://CID",
"proposers": [
"title": "Delegate 30,000 QWOYN",
"summary": "This proposal aims to delegate 30,000 QWOYN tokens to the Qwoyn Validator."
// draft_metadata.json
"title": "Delegate 30,000 QWOYN",
"authors": [
"Community Spend Committee President"
"summary": "This proposal aims to delegate 30,000 QWOYN tokens to the Qwoyn Validator.",
"details": "After careful consideration, I, President, propose the delegation of 30,000 QWOYN tokens to the Qwoyn Validator. My reasoning behind this proposal includes the validator's exceptional commitment to the community, provision of secure validator infrastructure, active participation in governance, and low commission rate. The Qwoyn Validator has consistently demonstrated their dedication to the Qwoyn Network community, fostering growth and enriching the experience for participants. Their establishment of a robust and secure validator infrastructure has instilled trust among network participants. Additionally, the validator's active engagement in governance processes, including discussions, voting on proposals, and providing valuable insights, showcases their understanding of the network's needs and long-term success. Moreover, the Qwoyn Validator maintains a competitive and fair commission rate, ensuring accessibility and encouraging broader participation. In light of these factors, I request your review and support for this delegation proposal, which will recognize the Qwoyn Validator's contributions and contribute to the continued growth and stability of the network. Thank you for your attention and consideration.",
"proposal_forum_url": "",
"vote_option_context": "A yes vote on this proposal will serve as a signal to the Committee Treasurer to initiate the delegation of the proposed funds, 30,000 QWOYN tokens, to the Qwoyn Validator."