Initialize Node

The following instructions assume that you have already completed the previous Initial Setup and Installing the qwoynd binary steps.

Initialize Node

Create the configuration files and data directory by initializing the node. In the following command, replace [moniker] with a name of your choice.

qwoynd init [moniker] --chain-id qwoyn-1

Update Genesis

Update the genesis file.

cd ~/.qwoyn/config
rm genesis.json

Update Peers

Add a seed node for initial peer discovery. You may also need to add peers to your config. To find peers please visit the current hackMD.

sed -i '/seeds =/c\seeds = "'"$SEED_NODE"'"' ~/.qwoynd/config/config.toml


You must set a minimum gas fee in app.toml or qwoynd start will fail. I have set 0.025uqwoyn!

sed -i '/minimum-gas-prices =/c\minimum-gas-prices = "'"$GAS_FEE"'"' ~/.qwoynd/config/app.toml

Start Node

The node is now ready to connect to the network.

qwoynd start

Last updated